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Koe-Thaung Temple Map Preview

Koe-Thaung Temple

Built in 1556 by King Dikkha, the large base of the partially ruined temple alludes to the grandiose size of the original that housed 90,000 Buddhas. The largest temple in Mrauk U, it was hit particularly hard over the centuries by earthquakes and what remains only represents about half the original structure.

Koe-Thaung Temple
Koe-Thaung Temple
Koe-Thaung Temple
Koe-Thaung Temple
Koe-Thaung Temple
Koe-Thaung Temple
Koe-Thaung Temple

Koe-Tthaung was hit harder than other Mrauk U structures due to its soft sandstone material. This particular building material is far less sturdy than the commonly used hewn stone. King Dikkha demanded the temple be finished in six months — he had smallpox and wanted to see it completed before his death. So instead of ferrying the hewn stone brick from its source some eighty miles away, the decision was made to use the closer sourced sandstone.
The terrace that still remains is quite spectacular. A roofed passageway lined with Buddha statues surrounds the large pagoda at the center. These arched corridors offer a cool relief from the midday sun, where geckos can be found lounging on the many remaining Buddha statues.