El Porvenir

El Porvenir is a small island that acts as a gateway for trips into the western portion of the Guna Yala archipelago. The island has an airstrip that receives flights from Panama City.

El Porvenir

For most travelers, El Porvenir is stopping point while en route to other islands in the archipelago. The island does, however, have a few points of interest. There is an artisans’ co-op that sells local artwork and handicrafts, including molas (handmade blouses), as well as a museum with displays on Guna history and culture. El Porvenir also has a small, attractive beach.

El Porvenir is the provincial capital and has a few government buildings and a police station. Aside from the small huts of villagers, the island also has a hotel and several small shops. The airstrip here receives daily flights from Panama City, which last between 30 minutes to an hour depending on how many stops are made along the way. El Porvenir is also close to the mainland and easily reached by road (and a quick boat ride).