Isla Diablo

This is one of the tiny islands in San Blas that makes you feel like it’s just you, the sun, the sand, and the sea. Visit Isla Diablo for its wide, white sand beach, not far from the remains of a shipwreck. The shipwreck makes a tremendous place to see marine wildlife, and it’s close enough that you can swim there from the beach.

You’ll find the simple cabins here that are typical of accommodation in San Blas. Simple meals of fresh fish, coconut, and rice make the perfect accompaniment to your stay one one of Panama’s prettiest islands. In addition, there’s a convenient snack bar on the beach.

Travel by boat to see some of the other islands in the area, many of which have very distinct personalities. It’s not far from here to visit the popular private island of Achutupu. Achutupu is best known for its thriving Guna population, and its authentic handicraft market. This is one of the best places in San Blas to find a souvenir to remind you of your time among one of Panama’s fascinating indigenous populations.