Uaguitupo Island

Uaguitupo Island is a tiny island in the Guna Yala archipelago. You may hear it referred to by its other name, “Dolphin Island.” It offers simple accommodations, a short boat ride from islands that offer you a peek into the world of the Guna. While you’re here, you’ll get to experience one of the most stunning beaches in the world.

These islands are only accessible by boat. Locals will take you island hopping in canoes and sailboats with outboard motors. Coral reefs and clear water make this a lovely place to wade, swim, and snorkel.

The Guna Yala Comarca – formerly known as the San Blas Islands – serve to preserve an incredible environment as well as the culture of the Guna people. From here, you can make your way to places like Achututpu Island, and island where over a community over over a thousand Guna live. They live entirely independent from the rest of Panama, and share their artistic traditions with visitors in the form of malas and other handicrafts.