Trang An

Trang An Cave System is a series of 9 caves that you can paddle through on a boating trip down Sao Khe River. This is one of the many limestone formations that make Ninh Binh’s scenery so memorable. Enormous karst formations rise on either side of the river, and scenic rice paddies sprout along the banks.

Trang An
Trang An
Trang An
Trang An
Trang An
Trang An
Trang An
Trang An
Trang An

The Trang An route through Ninh Binh is less busy than the Tam Coc waterway, with fewer tourists and vendors. Even though there are fewer visitors here, you should still arrive early if you want to appreciate this serene waterway. The route is 9.5 miles (15 km) total. Your guide is an experienced rower, and your adventure takes place in a boat that can typically seat around 4 to 6 passengers.

Trang An is often compared to Halong Bay because of its limestone formations and dramatic scenery. As you paddle down the river, you’ll pass through the tunnel caves. You’ll also see a cave decorated with ceramic jars, where locals used to keep their fermenting batches of rice wine. There are three temples along the way — tours typically stop so visitors can get a closer look.


Moments to look forward to

Hanoi to Trang An Day Tour with Bai Dinh Pagoda

Hanoi to Trang An Day Tour with Bai Dinh Pagoda