
This large volcanic caldera is one of the few calderas not filled with water. However, while overlooking the rim visitors will be quick to note a curious feature of this caldera: it’s inhabited. Descend into the caldera along the hiking trail to experience this unique landscape and community.


The Pululahua caldera is an extinct volcano. The cone collapsed many years ago, leaving a fertile valley in its place. Upon arriving at the rim, visitors will notice a small farming community along the caldera floor. This one of two inhabited calderas in the world. The whole area is actually part of a reserve aimed at protecting the subtropical ecosystem within the caldera. Pululahua is located just a few miles from Mitad del Mundo.

A trail leads to the bottom of crater (about a 3 hour hike) and gives visitors a chance to visit this unique community. Bird watching and horseback riding can add to the Pululahua experience.