Lívingston Cultural Day Tour Photo
Bitty Photo

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Days available
Every day
8AM, 9AM, 9:30AM, 1:30AM
Languages offered
English & Spanish
2 hrs
Mobile ticket
Lívingston Cultural Day Tour PhotoLívingston Cultural Day Tour Photo

This collective or private tour explores areas in and around Lívingston and the Río Dulce. You'll visit the San Felipe Castle, Bird Island and hot waterfalls. If you choose the private tour, you'll enjoy additional time at each of these destinations, plus a musical presentation.

Experience a little bit of Guatemalan culture, or a lot! It all depends on which version of this exciting tour you choose — the collective option or the private option. Each version of this cultural tour to Lívingston begins on the Río Dulce at the San Felipe Castle. This historic castle looks out over Lake Izabal and provides travelers with a good look into the region's Spanish-colonial history.

From here, you'll board a boat and make your way down the Río Dulce. You'll pass Bird Island and see a range of tropical birds, and then stop at a thermal waterfall. The waterfall has hot water and is a good place to swim, relax, or take photos.

- Collective Version: Led by the community, the collective version of the tour will take you around Castillo San Felipe. Next, you'll stop for a picture of Bird Island, then enjoy 30 minutes at the thermal waterfall.

- Private Version: This option is a private tour conducted by a professional guide. You'll enjoy more birdwatching time at Bird Island, will enjoy a longer visit at the thermal waterfall, and get to experience a musical presentation of local Garifuna music. When the music is over, you'll return to the boat and head back up the Rio Dulce.

Whichever version you choose, you'll have a great time experiencing Guatemala's colorful culture!

What to Bring

Sunscreen, swimming suit, camera, comfortable shoes, hat, and money for meals, personal expenses, handicrafts, and tipping the guide and/or driver.

What's included

Collective Tour: Boat transportation. Private Tour: Boat transportation and musical presentation.
Lívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day TourLívingston Cultural Day Tour