Uaxactún Tour Photo
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Days available
Every day
Languages offered
English & Spanish
8 hrs
Mobile ticket
Uaxactún Tour PhotoUaxactún Tour Photo

This tour takes you to Uaxactún, one of the oldest Maya cities in Guatemala. Uaxactún is notable for its astronomical observatory, and is thought to be the place where Mayans began developing their calendar.

Uaxactún came about around 600 BC. The city reached its height between 350 BC and 250 AD, and it was during this time that many of its structures were built.

There are several partially restored temples here that travelers will enjoy seeing. Three of these temples function as an astronomical observatory, and are precisely structured to align with the sun on certain days of the year. Another temple has a base that may date to around 2,000 BC. It's all very impressive.

Uaxactún is located 14 miles (23 km) north of Tikal. It's a lesser-visited, but no less interesting, site than Tikal. This tour departs from the Flores-Santa Elena area.

What to Bring

Sunscreen, camera, comfortable shoes, hat, and money for food, personal expenses, handicrafts, and tipping the guide/and or driver.

What's included

Transportation to/from Flores-Santa Elena area, bilingual guide, entrance fee, and box lunch.
Uaxactún Tour

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