
People visit Pacuare to see a remote area of Costa Rica’s rainforest. This tropical coast has hot and humid weather, and teems with diversity in the forest and just off the coast. Pacuare’s beach serves as an important nesting site for several varieties of sea turtle.


Leatherback, hawksbill, and green sea turtles come to Pacuare beach to lay their eggs. As soon as they have covered their eggs with sand they head back to the ocean. Around 60 days later the baby turtles emerge and head for the water. Some nearby hatcheries also gather sea turtle eggs so they can develop in the safety of a research center. During turtle nesting season, which lasts from May to October, scientists gather in Pacuare to study these endangered creatures. We know very little about the life cycle of the sea turtle, and nesting season presents a rare opportunity to gather information.

Fresh water canals flow near the beach, making it possible for a wide variety of birds and fish to live in the area. Pacuare is only 1.2 miles (2 km) north of Costa Rica’s Pacuare River, which is famous for its rapids. It is also close to Tortuguero National Park, which is a wildlife reserve especially devoted to the local sea turtle population.


Incredible Stays

Pacuare River Lodge
Pacuare River Lodge
Pacuare River Lodge

Come to the Pacuare Lodge and be surrounded by nature, right on the edge of the rushing Pacuare River. While you’re here you can find an experienced guide to take you on a rafting trip.

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