Rio Perdido Wellness Hike Photo
Harold Photo

Let Harold know what you think!

Days available
Every day
8AM, 10AM, 1AM, 2AM
Languages offered
English & Spanish
1 hr
Mobile ticket
Rio Perdido Wellness Hike PhotoRio Perdido Wellness Hike Photo

This hike covers 1.5 miles (2.5 kms) round-trip. You’ll walk along a flat trail through the dry Miravalles forest until you reach the health-giving springs.

Residents from nearby Montano and Santa Fe have long held that these springs have medicinal properties. You’ll find that it tastes a bit like Alka-Seltzer—this is due to the diluted magnesium in the water.

Magnesium has been linked to lowering blood pressure and alleviating depression, among many other benefits. Your guide will offer more interesting facts about the springs’ local relevance.

What to Bring

Comfortable walking shoes, breathable clothes, bottled water, sunscreen, and snacks (if desired).

What's included

Guided hike.
Rio Perdido Wellness HikeRio Perdido Wellness HikeRio Perdido Wellness HikeRio Perdido Wellness HikeRio Perdido Wellness HikeRio Perdido Wellness HikeRio Perdido Wellness Hike